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Англо-русский политический словарь - prize


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Перевод с английского языка prize на русский



приз; премия

to award a prize to smb — присуждать кому-л. премию

to collect one's Nobel peace prize — получать Нобелевскую премию мира

to present the prize — вручать приз / премию

to run for the Nobel peace prize — претендовать на Нобелевскую премию мира

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См. в других словарях

  рычаг || перемещать с помощью рычага, передвигать с помощью рычага, поднимать с помощью рычага ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  fellowship стипендия, назначенная за отличные успехи PRIZE I  1. noun  1) награда, приз, премия; the International Lenin Peace Prize - Международная Ленинская премия За укрепление мира между народами  2) выигрыш; находка, неожиданное счастье  3) предмет вожделений; желанная добыча; the prizes of life - блага жизни  4) attr. премированный, удостоенный премии, награды; prize poem - стихотворение, удостоенное премии - prize fellowship  5) attr. прекрасный, достойный награды also iron.  2. v.  1) высоко ценить, оценивать; Freedom is to be prized above riches.  2) оценивать Syn: see award II noun; naut.  1) приз; трофей, захваченное судно или имущество; to become a prize (of) - быть захваченным; to make (a) prize of... - захватить...; to place in prize - рассматривать в качестве приза  2) attr. призовой; prize proceeding - призовое судопроизводство; naval prize law - морское призовое право III  1. noun рычаг  2. v.  1) поднимать, взламывать или передвигать посредством рычага (обыкн. prize open, prize up); Use this long bar to prise the lid off. The jewel boxes had been prised open.  2) выбивать (информацию); The police had the greatest difficulty in prising the truth out of the prisoner. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. награда, премия; приз the Nobel prize —- Нобелевская премия prize list —- список награжденных (победителей) to win (to take) a prize —- получить приз (награду) 2. выигрыш (в лотерее, игре) to draw the first prize —- получить самый крупный выигрыш 3. предмет желаний, вожделений the great prizes of life —- великие блага жизни 4. мор. приз; трофей; захваченное судно или имущество prize of war —- военные трофеи prize court —- призовой суд prize proceeding —- призовое судопроизводство prize crew —- призовая команда (для высадки на захваченное судно) naval prize law —- морское призовое право to make (a) prize of —- захватить в качестве приза to become (a) prize of smb. —- быть захваченным кем-л. (в качестве приза) 5. захват(ывание) в качестве приза, трофея или добычи Id: see what a prize I have found! —- вот какое (неожиданное) счастье мне выпало!, вот как мне повезло! 6. призовой, премированный prize essay —- очерк, удостоенный премии (награды) prize ox —- бык-рекордист 7. достойный премии, награды или выигрыша prize idiot —- ирон. патентованный дурак; идиот, каких мало 8. назначаемый в качестве премии или награды prize fellowship —- стипендия, назначенная за отличные успехи 9. высоко ценить, оценивать to prize the affection of one's frends —- высоко ценить преданность друзей we prize liberty more...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. награда, приз - encouragement prize - incentive prize ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) выигрыш 2) награда 3) премия 4) приз - negative prize - positive prize - zero prize ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 something that can be won in a competition or lottery etc. 2 a reward given as a symbol of victory or superiority. 3 something striven for or worth striving for (missed all the great prizes of life). 4 (attrib.) a to which a prize is awarded (a prize bull; a prize poem). b supremely excellent or outstanding of its kind. --v.tr. value highly (a much prized possession). Phrases and idioms prize-giving an award of prizes, esp. formally at a school etc. prize-money money offered as a prize. prize-ring 1 an enclosed area (now usu. a square) for prizefighting. 2 the practice of prizefighting. Etymology: (n.) ME, var. of PRICE: (v.) ME f. OF pris- stem of preisier PRAISE 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a ship or property captured in naval warfare. 2 a find or windfall. --v.tr. make a prize of. Phrases and idioms prize-court a department of an admiralty court concerned with prizes. Etymology: ME f. OF prise taking, booty, fem. past part. of prendre f. L prehendere prehens- seize: later identified with PRIZE(1) 3. var. of PRISE. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English pris ~, price — more at price  Date: 14th century  1. something offered or striven for in competition or in contests of chance; also premium 1d  2. something exceptionally desirable  3. archaic a contest for a reward ; competition  II. adjective  Date: 1803  1.  a. awarded or worthy of a ~  b. awarded as a ~  c. entered for the sake of a ~ a ~ drawing  2. outstanding of a kind raised ~ hogs  III. transitive verb  (~d; prizing)  Etymology: Middle English prisen, from Anglo-French priser, preiser to appraise, esteem, from Late Latin pretiare, from Latin pretium price, value — more at price  Date: 14th century  1. to estimate the value of ; rate  2. to value highly ; esteem a ~d possession  Synonyms: see appreciate  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English prise, from Anglo-French, taking, seizure, from prendre to take, from Latin prehendere — more at get  Date: 14th century  1. something taken by force, stratagem, or threat; especially property lawfully captured at sea in time of war  2. an act of capturing or taking; especially the wartime capture of a ship and its cargo at sea  Synonyms: see spoil  V. transitive verb  (~d; prizing)  Etymology: ~ lever  Date: 1686 to press, force, or move with a lever ; pry ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (prizes, prizing, prized) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The spelling 'prise' is also used in British English for meanings 5 and 6. 1. A prize is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a competition or game, or as a reward for doing good work. You must claim your prize by telephoning our claims line... He won first prize at the Leeds Piano Competition... They were going all out for the prize-money, ?6,500 for the winning team. N-COUNT 2. You use prize to describe things that are of such good quality that they win prizes or deserve to win prizes. ...a prize bull. ...prize blooms. ADJ: ADJ n 3. You can refer to someone or something as a prize when people consider them to be of great value or importance. With no lands of his own, he was no great matrimonial prize. N-COUNT 4. Something that is prized is wanted and admired because it is considered to be very valuable or very good quality. Military figures, made out of lead are prized by collectors... One of the gallery’s most prized possessions is the portrait of Ginevra da Vinci. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 5. If you prize something open or prize it away from a surface, you force it to open or force it to come away from the surface. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use pry) He tried to prize the dog’s mouth open... I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials... He held on tight but she prised it from his fingers. VERB: V n with adj, V n with adv, V n out of/from n 6. If you prize something such as information out of someone, you persuade them to tell you although they may be very unwilling to. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use pry) Alison and I had to prize conversation out of him. VERB: V n out of n, also V n with out ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 something that is given to someone who is successful in a competition, race, game of chance etc  (First prize was a weekend for two in Paris.) + for  (Festival judges awarded `Victims' the prize for the best feature film.) win a prize  (Hundreds of cash prizes to be won! | prize winner)  (a list of prize winners | award (sb) a prize (=decide who will have a prize)) 2 something that is very valuable to you or that it is very important to have  (Toulouse was a rich prize, and the Count's army fought hard to keep it.) 3 (there are) no prizes for guessing sth spoken used to say that it is very easy to guess something  (No prizes for guessing who told you that!) 4 an enemy ship caught at sea in the past, or the goods it contained ~2 adj only before noun 1 good enough to win a prize or to have won a prize  (a herd of prize cattle)  (- see also prize­winning) 2 prize money money that is given to the person who wins a competition, race etc 3 a prize idiot/fool informal a complete idiot, fool etc 4 best, most important, or most useful  (The resource centre is one of our prize assets.) ~3 v 1 often passive to think that someone or something is very important or valuable  (a necklace which his mother had prized) 2 T always + adv/prep also prise BrE to move or lift something, by pushing it away from something else; pry (2) AmE  (prize sth off/up/apart etc)  (Eventually we prized the lid off with a knife.) prize sth out phr v to get information from someone with difficulty or by using force  (prize sth out of sb)  (It took an hour to prize the address out of him.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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